3 Slot Vs 5 Slot Brushed Motor

The main design difference between a brushed and brushless motors is the replacement of mechanical commutator with an electric switch circuit. Keeping that in mind, a BLDC Motor is a type of synchronous motor in the sense that the magnetic field generated by the stator and the rotor revolve at the same frequency. Slot car motor products available at Professor Motor, Inc. Industrial Electric Motors and Drives Key and Keyseat Dimensions FrameD G F GD Frame D G F GD 63 8.842.5 149. 42 2-5/8 1-3/4 1-11/16 9/32 SLOT. The motor also incorporates a dual-ball bearings design yields better performance, allowing a smooth ride, precise control with best possible efficiency. (everything else is true, except the efficiency is about 25% lower than what a 3 slot can be) Features: 3-Slot Hi-torque Motor Design (its 3 slot, yay! It certainly does't test as high torque).

But slotted motors still hold some advantages. For example, the air gap in a slotted motor is smaller than the air gap in a slotless design (which must accommodate the self-supported winding assembly). This means that the flux density is higher in a slotted motor, and torque production is more effective and efficient.

07-21-2018, 06:51 AM #9
Quarry Creeper

Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
I always think of 5-poled motors as diesels. Low rpm, with great torque, but no screaming top-end, that can be geared to the moon, while 3-poled/slotted motors are more like 2-strokes, and need careful gearing to prevent heat buildup. Not much happening in the bottom-end, but whooboy when the rpm starts to hit that narrow power-band.
Be it, of course, that an electric motor doesn’t have that “hole” in the torque-curve that a 2-stroke has. That typical ‘nothing, nothing, nothing.. ‘Bráaaaap” èverything of a 2-stroke dirtbike.. A 3-pole/slot motor just sucks more amps to try to get the torque needed at the bottom-end.
5-pole/slot (or more, I even used 12-poles) 700-size electric motors have long been the standard in 14- to 28-cell Hydro’s, because hydro props -with their crazy high pitch- need a lot of torque to get the boat on plane, and need far less once the boat is loose. Meaning battery drain drops significantly, especially at higher voltages.
3-poles could muster the power to get on plane, but at the cost of enormously increased Amp-gobbling ( =heat = bad for magnets) with gassing cells, or even wires coming unsoldered as a result if not careful with prop-pitch.
In my tanks I also prefer 5-pole/slot motors for their low-end grunt. They need more volts to get up to a reasonable speed, but that’s a price I am prepared to pay for their bottom-end, and, yes, ‘smoothness’

First off, I've made available a spreadsheet study for permanent magnet motors. It contains four worked examples: brushed 390 and 540, and twobrushless units typically employed as upgrades of the first ones. A 'bonus' tab also illustrates the series-wound motorthat is not seen in RC models.


Now, this spreadsheet shows a list of Racerstar brushless motors for RC cars, that are in my personal range of interests.

Permanent magnet (PM) motor

The motors used on RC models are almost always DC and PM, be it brushed or brushless. The basic principlebehind every motor is the reaction of the rotor's ('core') magnetic field and the stator's ('casing') field. In a PM motor, one of the fields is supplied by permanent magnets. Other kinds of motor (induction,series-wound) create both fields using electricity.

Though PMDC motors are associated with toys and low-power applications, they are no longer toyish. Theyare the most efficient motors since the PM's magnetic flux does not consume power. The evolution of power electronics and stronger magnets opened new fields for the PM motor, and multiple-thousandhorsepower units have been built.

But the PMDC motor must be applied correctly. It must be 'matched' in torque and power with the application, and it is best used when the power demand is constant. Variable-demand applicationsare better off with other types e.g. the Tesla cars use induction motors and railroad locomotives use either series-wound DC or induction AC.

PMDC motor characteristics

The major characterisic of a PMDC motor is to have a definite maximum RPM, limited by Kv ratingand by supplied voltage. A 3600Kv motor fed with 10V cannot go beyond 36,000RPM.

Every PMDC motor can be used as a generator. If a 3600Kv motor is spun at 36,000RPM,it will generate 10V unloaded. On the other hand, feeding it with 10V will spin it a bit less,because there are always losses (mechanical, electrical and magnetic).

This relationship is useful because the PMDC motor is self-limited in RPM (while a series-wound may destroy itself if run unloaded). Moreover, it iseasy to control RPM by controlling the input voltage.

The torque of a PMDC motor is linearly proportional to the current passing through it.Unfortunately it means that heat dissipation increases quadratically with torque. (Incontrast, the series-wound motor has a linear relationship between torque and heat.)

Figure 1: Curves of power, torque and heat dissipation of a PMDC motor in relation to RPM. The RPM = 100% is the maximum possible given a Kv and the supply voltage.
Figure 2: Curves of power, torque and heat dissipation of a series motor. Note the motor has almost constant power across a wide range of RPMs.

As mentioned before, the PMDC motor is also a generator. This is true even while itis functioning as a motor. In the example above, the 3600Kv motor can't go beyond36,000RPM when fed with 10V because it is generating back electromotive force (BEMF) of10V against the input, and the net voltage is zero.

In order to current to flow and generate torque, the BEMF must be smaller than inputvoltage, and therefore the RPM must be smaller than (Kv × tensão). Ifthe example motor spins at 21,600RPM, the BEMF is 6V. If it is fed with 10V, thenet voltage is 4V. For an internal resistance of 0.5 ohms, the current would be4/0.5=8 amperes.

Joining these facts, we have that

  • PMDC's torque is maximum on start (zero RPM) and decreases linearly down to zero at maximum RPM.
  • The maximum shaft horsepower is achieved at 50% maximum RPM (horsepower = torque × RPM).
  • The energy input of motor is maximum at start and decreases linearly untilzero at max RPM.
  • Therefore, the electrical efficiency is linearly proportional to RPM, being theoretically 100% at max RPM.

The PMDC motor offers great starting torque, which is good because it acceleratesfast to the cruise RPM. But it is easy to overload such a motor, because it can stillmove the load in a first moment, albeit working under low efficiency and possiblybeing damaged by heat. The biggest horespower is at 50% of max RPM, but at thispoint the efficiency is also 50%. For each 100W of mechanical power, there isanother 100W of heat dissipation (total energy input is 200W). In RPMs lower than50% max, the share is even worse.

To be efficient, and to last longer, the PMDC must work light and lukewarm, withRPM near the maximum. For example, at 90% of max RPM, the motor is (in theory) 90%efficient. At this operation point, the motor generates only 1/10th of starting torque,and just 1/3 of the maximum horsepower.

Power limits of PMDC motor

By and large, the maximum power of a PMDC motor is dictated by its size, for tworeasons:

  • The straightforward reason is heat dissipation. The maximum shaft horsepowercannot be higher than the maximum dissipation (at 50% efficiency point). If themotor has only passive dissipation, the maximum power is proportional to thearea of the external casing. Big motors employ forced cooling (by fans, etc.) to overcome this limitation.
  • The second reason is internal electrical resistance, that limits both the maximumcurrent (because I=E/R) and the cruise current because of dissipation(P=I2R). The bigger the voluem of copper used in windings, the smallerthe internal resistance, the bigger the current, the bigger the torque and therefore the horsepower. Naturally, bigger windings can only fit in bigger motors.

That is, in the best case the motor power is a function of its volume, and in theworst case it is a function of casing area; in practice it is sandwitched in between.

The Kv rating

The RC model brushless motors are often characterized by their Kv rating. Aswe saw before, the Kv rating is the relationship between input voltage andmaximum RPM. Is there more in this rating?

Another seldom-seen rating is Ke, the reciprocal of Kv and adjusted for angularspeed. The Kv number is more 'ergonomic', it is easier to grasp a 1000 Kv motorthan a 0.0096 Ke motor, even though both are equivalent.

This rating is based on back electromotive force (BEMF). When an electrical conductor(wire or coil) is inside a variable magnetic field, a BEMF is inducted on this conductor.The BEMF is proportional to the number of turns of the coil, and to the strength of themagnetic field.

For a PMDC motor, be it brushed or brushless, the magnetic field is supplied by permanentmagnets alone. The more turns in coils and/or the stronger the magnet, the bigger the BEMFand lower the Kv rating. Using a magnet twice as strong and triple the turns would divideKv by six.

Now the one million dolar question: is Kv related to torque? Yes! Even though many sourcessay that no, the torque of a motor is inversely proportional to Kv. A 1000Kv motor has twicethe torque of a 2000Kv motor given the same electric current.

It does not mean that the first motor is 'better'; it only means that horsepower is shareddifferently between torque and RPM. If we installed 2:1 reduction gears inside a 2000Kv motor,it would look as a 1000Kv from outside. A reduction does not make a motor inherently better(but it can adapt it better for a given use case).

Specific torque or Kt rating

Every PMDC motor has also a Kt rating that shows the relationship between torque and current.For example, a 0.05 Kt motor generates a torque of 0.15N.m for a current of 3A. In model RCthe torque is commonly expressed as N.cm or g.cm, so 0.15N.m would be 15N.cm or 1500g.cm.

Kt is inversely proportional to Kv:

Kv, Ke and Kt are actually the same thing, expressed under different units.The constants 2π and 60 adapt RPM to SI units. A 3600Kv motor (a common rating in RC car models)has a torque of 26.5g.cm per ampere. For a 30A current, the torque would be around800 g.cm.

The Kt rating is not as often seen as Kv, because motors are typically fed with constant voltage,not constant current. If voltage is constant, current varies a lot and depends on RPM and internal resistance. Moreover, the Kt rating does not tell us the heat dissipation that agiven torque will cost us (this is told by the Km rating, that we will see later).

RPM mechanical limits

Brushed motors have a limit around 20,000RPM, and brushless motors can go up to50,000RPM. If the load might allow the motor to spin faster than that, the Kv ratingmust be chosen accordingly to input voltage to limit the RPM.

For example, a 4500Kv motor is good for 12V, while a 1200Kv motor could be fed with40V without redlining, though other factors (current, dissipation) may further limittheir performance.

Besides the mechanical limit, the magnetic and mechanical efficiencies must alsobe considered. The faster a motor spins, the bigger are the non-electric losses.Accordingly to this article, a brushless motor should spin no faster than 60,000RPMdivided by number of poles to stay in efficient range. The article's author is moreacquainted with outrunner motors; in a comment, he estimates that the base for inrunnermotors is around 100,000RPM, which means 25,000RPM for 4 poles.

Motor 'size' vs. internal resistance vs. Kv

The ultimate gauge of the 'quality' of a motor is the weight of copper windings.(I am ignoring silver- or aluminum-wound motors here.) Given a certain quantityof metal, motors with very different Kv ratings can be made, but their 'quality'is roughly the same.

Suppose a 3600Kv motor that should be converted to 1800Kv. To achieve this, we needto 'stretch' the wire to make coils with twice the number of turns. By doing this,the wire becomes twice as thinner, so the internal resistance is increased fourfold.

With 4x the resistance, current is reduced by a factor of 4, as well as the torque.But, since the specific torque (Kt) increased by a factor of 2 (since it is inverse toKv) the motor's torque is cut only by half. The maximum RPM is also cut by half, sothe horsepower is 1/4th of the original.

Up to now, it seems that the new motor with smaller Kv is 'worse', but there is asimple solution: just double the input voltage. It doubles the torque, the RPMand the motor goes back to the original horsepower.

From this point of view, the Kv rating goes hand to hand with input voltage. Choosingthe Kv is simply a method to adapt the motor to the available input voltage.

If I can't replace the battery, a higher-Kv motor will indeed yield higher torque and higherhorsepower, since the internal resistance is smaller, given the same copper in windings.Perhaps because of this, many modelers think higher Kv = higher horsepower. But this is a terribleway to increase horsepower, because the motor will also demand a huge current and dissipate a lot of heat.

One remedy is to match a kigher Kv motor with a smaller pinion. By increasing the reduction,the motor can reach nigher RPMs, delivering higher horsepower mainly by spinning faster insteadof increasing torque.

Km rating

As said before, the Kv rating is not enough to fully describe a motor. We also need to know itsinternal resistance. Or to know the Km rating, also know as 'Motor size constant'. It condenses the relationship between torque and efficiency:

A perfect motor would generate torque with no dissipation, and would havean infinite Km. By some manipulation, we can find the relationship betweenKm, Kv and internal resistance:podemos determinar a proporção de Km em relação a Kv e resistência interna:

The formula above says that, from the point of view of Km rating, a motor with high Kv is 'worse' because it needs more current to generatethe same torque. But it does not mean that a higher Kv is really bad —Km only considers torque, not the horsepower.

There is an important relationship between Km and the quantity of copperin windings. If we modify the motor's Kv but keep the copper weight constant,the Km rating does not change. Reusing the thought experiment we did before:if Kv is halved, resistance increases by a factor of 4, but one thingperfectly balances the other in the Km formula.

The Km rating tends to be higher for motors physically larger. This can beshown by another thought experiment. Suppose we get two exactly equal PMDC motors,connect them electrically in parallel, and coupled shafts. The Kv of the wholemachine is the same, but internal resistance is halved, which improves theKm rating by 41%. If we connect the same two motors in series, the internalresistance is doubled but then Kv is halved, improving the Km by the sameamount (41%).

Kv rating and number of turns

Keeping all other parameters constant, the Kv rating is inversely proportionalto the number of turns in coil.

Before the brushless motors, the custom in RC modeling was to label motors bythe number of turns, because everybody used the same type of motor: 540 brushed.The vanilla RS-540 has 27 turns. Motors with more turns (not very common) are usedin high-torque applications, while less turns are considered 'hotter'. The lattertend to be better built as well, because they really heat up.

The folks from slot car community use the 130 motor and also labels motors bythe turn count. The standard is 13 turns, but racing motors may have 6 or even 4.It was a common home-made modification back in the time, get the slot car thatcame in the Christmas gift and remove some turns to make it faster.

The metric of turns was practical for brushed motors because the biggest contributor to the internal resistance — the brush/commutator mechanism —is always there, and the basic construction doesn't change much from one model to thenext. On the other hand, in brushless motors the sole source of internal resistanceis the coil wire itself, and there is more constructive freedom (there are inrunnerand outrunner motors, etc.).

Brushed motors vs. coreless vs. brushless

It is opportune to clarify some differences between brushed and brushless motors.

Every motor needs some sort of switching mechanism, internal or external to it, so themagnetic field rotates. In the case of PMDC motors, the field must be in sync with theangular shaft position. (The latter requisite is waived in induction and stepper motors.)

In a brushed motor, the commutator is indeed mechanical and embedded into the motor. Thebiggest advantage is simplicity: just feed the motor and it spins. The brushes are amaintenance problem, but a good-quality motor that is not overloaded can last years.Other disvantages are the big electrical resistance and the big friction losses.

The brushed motor has coils in the rotor, so they need to withstand the centrifugal force,which may limit the maximum RPM. The heat generated by the coils (and by the commutator)is difficult to remove, often needing forced cooling which is another mechanical loss.

The coreless motor is also a brushed motor, but the rotor lacks a metallic armature.The coil supports itself and transmit torque to the shaft. This allows for a lighter,smaller motor that accelerates very rapidly. But it must not be overloaded, since thereis no metal armature to absorb any excess heat.

The brushless motor has stationary coils, so the generated heat can be easily removed through the external case. There are no friction or electrical resistance frombrushes. The only true disvantage is needing an external electronic controller.

Slotless Motor Design

The brushless controller/ESC just be 'matched' with the controlled motor, particularyin the case of 'sensorless' motors, the most common these days. Only three leads connectcontroller and motor, and the shaft position is inferred by the BEMF. Since the BEMFis related to Kv, each controller will not work for motors ouside a certain Kv range. Besides,there must be voltage and current compatibility.

The 'sensored' brushless motors have Hall sensors to detect the shaft angular position. Theyare less and less common but still exist. In their case, there is an additional 6-wire cableconnecting motor and controller for position detection. The controller does not need to beso closely matched with a Kv range, and may be simpler. Because of this, some stillcharacterize sensored motors by the number of turns, instead of Kv rating.


Best 540 Brushed Motor

There is some discussion about the nature of brushless PMDC motors, also known as BLDC.Some say it is actually an AC synchronous motor. Indeed they look similar, and get evenmore similar when the synchronous motor has permanent magnets in rotor instead of a DCcoil. Such a motor is known as PMSM (permanent magnet synchronous motor).

Both synchronous and BLDC motors have three main power leads. But the BLDC controllerfeeds only two at a time, perhaps it does a smooth ('trapezoidal') transition betweenthe current pair and the next. The synchonous motor is fed with 3-phase sinusoidal AC.

The PMSM motor is more efficient and vibrates less, since its torque is constant.On the other hand, a PMSM controller is more complext and may be less eficient.A BLDC controller may use the unfed cable to detect rotor position in sensorlessmode, while the PMSM controller absolutely needs a shaft position sensor.

The internal construction of BLDC and PMSM motors may be different in order toachieve maximum efficiency with the repective controller.

Y or Δ connection

BLDC, PMSM, induction, etc. motors tend to have three coil groups, which meanssix power leads. But only three emerge from the motor; the coils are internallyconnected in Y (wye/star) or in Δ (delta, triangle). The same happens withbrushed motors: in a 3-pole motor, the commutator has only three segments insteadof six, and the rotor coils are interconnected to close the circuit.

3 Slot Vs 5 Slot Brushed Motor

In either connection, it is impossible to feed only one coil at a time. By feedingtwo leads, the current flows through at least two coils, and sometimes through allthe three.

A Y-connected motor has higher impedance, higher internal resistance, higher torqueand lower Kv rating, always by a factor of 1.73 in relation to theΔ connection. An inherent disvantage of Δ-connected BLDC is the currentcirculation within the delta that wastes energy; the Y connection is more usual for them.In AC motors,the delta is more usual since the 3-phase input is balanced and no current circulateswithin the delta.

Motor For Axial Capra

If a BLDC motor exposes the six power leads, it is possible for a controllerto 'shift gears', connecting the motor in Y or Δ as most convenient.A 2:1 gearbox without any gears whatsoever is a tempting proposal. There area handful of DIY projects that have used this trick on RC models and electric scooters.(In AC induction motors, it is common pratice to start the motor in Y to limit thestartup current and shift to Δ for cruising.)