Occasional Heart Pain

  1. Intermittent Pain In Chest
  2. Occasional Chest Pain Left Side Sharp
  3. Occasional Chest Pain

Stabbing pain is less likely to be heart-related than squeezing or crushing pain. Pain that gets worse with reaching, twisting, pushing against your chest wall or breathing in and out is unlikely.

What is a fluttering heart?

A fluttering heart or heart flutter is commonly used to describe certain chest symptoms or cardiovascular conditions. It is not a specific medical term but in most instances it describes palpitations – the perception of the heart beating harder or faster. The term fluttering heart referring to palpitations must also be differentiated from a medical condition known as atrial flutter which is a type of abnormal rhythm of the heart. Palpitations are the most common symptom in an atrial flutter but many cases are also asymptomatic, meaning that a person will not experience any symptoms of an atrial flutter. Although it can be confusing, a fluttering heart can be used to refer to a symptom like palpitations, or a condition like an atrial flutter.

Heart attack pain vs. Non-heart related chest pain. Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that cardiac chest pain will result in tightness or pressure in your chest that feels as if there is a crushing weight there. The heart-related chest pain usually radiates to your arm, jaw, neck, and back. Causes of chest pain can be mild, like heartburn, or dangerous, like pancreatitis. Know the common causes of chest pain—because it isn't always caused by a heart attack. I have minor occasional sharp pains in my heart area? These are minor pains. Nothing like real bad to the point where i cant breathe and i have had these before and they will go away for a while and come back again so im just wondering is this just a phase that will pass or should i go see a doctor about it.

Meaning of a fluttering heart

A fluttering heart can have several meanings. The two most common are palpitations and atrial flutter. However, it is sometimes a less commonly used term to refer to a mitral valve prolapse. Occasionally even chest discomfort associated with anxiety or stress (similar to ‘butterflies in the stomach’), heartburn or even angina can be described as a fluttering heart but this is rare. The confusion arises with either the types of sensations (symptoms) described by a patient as a ‘fluttering heart’ or complex medical conditions which are simply explained as a type of heart fluttering by a medical professional to the lay person.

It is important to understand the meaning of the two most common types of heart fluttering – the heart symptom and the heart condition.

  • Palpitations are an awareness of the heart beating. This is most often a result of the heart beating harder or faster than normal but can occur even with normal heart rhythm, rate and contractility.
  • Atrial flutter is an irregular heart rhythm where the atria of the heart beat more rapidly than normal thereby partially disrupting the flow of blood through the heart. It is known as an arrhythmia and arises due to an abnormality in the electrical system of the heart. A more common type of arrhythmia that is very similar to an atrial flutter is a condition known as atrial fibrillation.

Causes of a fluttering heart

The heart is constantly beating throughout life but a person is usually unable to perceive the constant relaxation and contraction. It is a muscular pump that circulates blood throughout the body. Blood enters the heart through the atria (singular ~ atrium), passes into the ventricles and is pushed out of the heart through the ventricles. This passage of blood needs to be carefully coordinated by :

  • electrical conduction system of the heart causing different parts of the heart to contract at specific intervals.
  • heart valves that open and close at certain times to allow blood to flow in only one direction.

The electrical impulses start in the sinoatrial (SA) node which is the natural pacemaker. It then spreads to the AV node where it is delayed for a short while before spreading to the AV bundle. This ensures that the atria contract first thereby filling the ventricles with blood and then the ventricles contract pushing the blood out of the heart.

The heart valves between the atrium and ventricles (tricuspid and mitral valves) close when the ventricles contract. This ensures that blood flows out of the ventricles into the great vessels (pulmonary artery and aorta) and not backwards into the atria.

When these processes are disrupted leading to stronger, faster or irregular rhythm, a person may be able to perceive the beating heart. It is described as a pounding feeling in the chest or a sensation that the heart is racing or skipped a beat.

The heart may beat faster or harder under certain physiological conditions such as :

  • Strong emotion – shock, fear, anxiety.
  • Psychological stress.
  • Strenuous physical activity.

In most of these cases the heart rate increases but the rhythm is still normal.

Are occasional heart pains normal

Medication and substances

Other factors associated with substance use (iatrogenic) may be responsible for both an abnormality of heart rate and rhythm.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Excessive stimulant use like caffeine or nicotine.
  • Illicit drugs (narcotics)
  • Certain medication like diet pills and cold medication containing pseudoephedrine as well as drugs to increase thyroid activity.

Diseases and disorders

Palpitations may also occur with certain medical conditions such as :

  • Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or menopause.
  • High fever.
  • Arrhythmias like atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia.
  • Tachycardia – rapid heart rate.
  • Bradycardia – low heart rate.
  • Iron deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of a Fluttering Heart

Occasional pain in heart

Palpitations are a symptom commonly described as a fluttering heart. It may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as :

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting episodes
  • Anxiety
  • Weakness

These symptoms are also seen in arrhythmias such as atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation.


Fluttering Heart in Women

Although a fluttering heart affects both males and females, when it happens in women due to hormonal changes there are also additional symptoms. Pregnant women are usually aware of their state but women undergoing peri-menopause and menopause are often not aware of the change at first. Therefore other symptoms of menopause need to be noted such as :

  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness

Treatment of Fluttering Heart

There is no specific treatment for palpitations since it is a symptom of an underlying disorder. Instead the cause should be identified and treated in order to ease the sensation. In conditions such as atrial flutter, the following treatment options may be considered :

  • Restoring the rhythm of the heart by defibrillation – cardioversion.
  • Controlling the heart rate and rhythm with medication or surgical procedures (AV node ablation) and a pacemaker.
  • Reducing the risk of complications like blood clots associated with irregular heart beat by the use of medication.

An arrhythmia needs to be diagnosed and monitored before it is treated. Majority of arrhythmias remain unnoticed for long periods in life. Other conditions like thyroid disorders and female hormone fluctuations also need to be treated accordingly. However, when there are no specific condition that can be isolated as a possible cause of a fluttering heart, then certain conservative measures should be implemented. This includes :

  • Stress management.
  • Treating underlying anxiety.
  • Avoiding stimulants like nicotine and caffeine.
  • Drinking alcohol in moderation.
  • Taking iron supplements for anemia.
  • Discontinue over-the-counter dieting pills and cold and flu medication.

Experiencing any sort of chest pain can be worrisome, and this is especially true of chest pain that comes and goes. You may think it was just a passing discomfort that has been resolved, but the pain returns and reignites your worry that something could be seriously wrong.

What causes chest pain that comes and goes, and how is it different than heart pain? Continue reading to learn the answers to these questions and to discover some tips for preventing this intermittent chest pain.


In this article:

What causes chest pain that comes and goes?

Chest pain that comes and goes could be caused by a variety of conditions, not all of which involve the heart. Some of these conditions include:

Intermittent Pain In Chest

GERD: or gastroesophageal reflux disease, can cause a sharp and tender pain in the chest that may feel similar to a heart attack, despite the pain being classified as a non-cardiac chest pain. GERD occurs when the stomach acid or contents flow back into the food pipe and irritate the esophagus, resulting in a burning sensation or chest pain.

Stable angina: This is the most prevalent form of angina and commonly occurs during periods of physical exertion, such as working out or climbing stairs. The pain may only last for a few minutes and often dissipates with rest.

Unstable angina:Unstable angina pain can occur even when you are not active, and may last for up to 30 minutes. This pain can be indicative of a heart attack and should be addressed by a medical professional immediately. Angina pain has been described as a squeezing pressure or severe pain in the center of the chest.

Costochondritis: Inflammation of the cartilage—where the ribs meet the sternum—can cause chest pain around the breastbone that is often a result of a viral infection.

Pleuritis: This is the inflammation of the lining of the lungs and can feel like pain or pressure in the chest that worsens when you try to take a deep breath.

Difference between chest pain and heart-related chest pain

As previously stated, not all chest pain is related to the heart, so how can you tell the difference? While most heart and chest pain occur in the area behind the breastbone, cardiac pain may also radiate down your arms, back, shoulders, and neck. Chest pain related to the heart is also described differently. While those experiencing GERD describe their pain as sharp, cardiac related chest pains are said to feel deep, heavy, squashing, and tight.

Cardiac pain may also cause other symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, numbness in the left arm or shoulder, and lightheadedness. In contrast, chest pain associated with acid reflux or GERD may cause difficulty swallowing, frequent belching, burning in your throat, chest, or stomach, and a sour taste in your mouth.

Occasional Chest Pain Left Side Sharp

Chest pain versus cardiac chest pain chart

The following chart may help you determine what kind of chest pain you are experiencing. If you feel your chest pain may be in any way related to the heart, it is important to seek the advice of your doctor.

CharacteristicsCardiac Chest PainOther Chest Pain
Time of DayMorningEnd of the day
How It FeelsDeep pain that feels like pressure, tightness, squeezing, or burning. May also be felt in arms, jaw, back, and throat.Sharp pain easier to pinpoint, feels closer to the surface rather than deep.
What Causes ItPain usually occurs after periods of exertion, specifically those that require upper arm movement like carrying a heavy briefcase of shoveling snow. Exertion in extreme heat or cold and followed by a heavy meal is a common cause.Happens randomly, seemingly out of nowhere. In the case of heartburn, most often occurs after a meal, especially one containing fried foods.
How Long It LastsLasts as long as the exertion period does and is reduced quickly once exertion is finished.Can come and go very quickly and last between a few seconds and a few hours.
Pain ReliefCessation of the activity causing the pain. Sitting down and leaning into the discomfort may provide some relief, while laying down can worsen the pain. Seek medical attention as your condition requires treatment.Exercise may help, as well as breathing exercises and over the counter medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Heat compresses and antacids may also relieve pain.

Other causes of chest pain

Chest pain may also be caused by issues with the structures in the chest. Muscle tenderness may be causing the pain you are experiencing, as well as common heartburn. You could also be experiencing a pulmonary embolism, which happens when a blood clot blocks an artery in the lung and can cause shortness of breath, sharp chest pains, and a cough that brings up pink mucus.

Chest pain prevention tips

Occasional Chest Pain

Some common ways to prevent experiencing chest pain are quitting smoking, managing your blood pressure and cholesterol, and staying in shape with regular exercise and eating a healthy, low-fat diet.

Experiencing chest pains that come and go may be frightening, and it is important to determine whether the pain is being caused by your heart and is therefore a serious concern, or something else that is more minor. If you are concerned about any chest pain, see your doctor and follow their recommendations to prevent the pain from recurring.

Related: Costochondritis: Common cause of chest pain, can mimic a heart attack and other heart conditions