T Slot Frame
T-Slot Aluminum Framing - Brackets, Gussets, and Plates Brackets, gussets and plates are ideal for the construction of display cases, tables, cover hoods or anywhere corners or other appropriate. T-Slot Framing The versatility of Parker's t-slot aluminum framing systems makes them ideal solutions for machine bases and frames, linear slide systems, safety guarding and enclosures, worktables, and structural framing, as well as for use in materials handling systems. When using our custom T-slotted aluminum extrusions, you simply insert a T-nut and fastener into the extrusion and tighten it to create a durable, strong and lightweight structure that is both functional and attractive. These high quality 2040 Aluminium T-Slotted Extrusions form a perfect solution for custom machine frames, workstations, prototyping, guarding and many more purposes. The extrusion are a great framing materialas they are adjustable and can hold T-Slot Nuts on all 4 Grooved Surface sides.
- T Slot Frame Accessories
- T Slot Aluminum Bed Frame
- T-slot Frame Assembly
- Aluminum Extrusion Framing Systems
- Metric T Slot Aluminum Profiles
- Connectors
- Fasteners
- Accessories
- Frame to Floor
- Panel Accessories
- CarboSix Carbon Fiber
With T-Slot Aluminum, you get more value than you ever would with welded steel. Need flexibility? You've got it with t-slot aluminum. Need Versatility? Extruded aluminum has that too. Strong in the hot or the cold, corrosion resistant, extruded aluminum has everything you need to get a project done quickly and efficiently. No need to paint or weld unlike steel parts. Get whatever you need built fast and strong with our metric series profiles of extruded aluminum framing.
The T-slot Extruded Aluminum Advantage
For thousands of years humans have been fabricating useful, pleasing furnishings and other structures for the home and workplace out of an impressive range of materials, including straw, mud, stone, wood, brick, iron, steel, and other metals of various sorts. But it is only within the last hundred years or so that aluminum the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust has been utilized in an ever-increasing number of day-to-day applications. Partly this is because a cost-effective process for extracting aluminum from bauxite ore was not perfected until about 1920.
So there is one great advantage of employing aluminum for structural design purposes: it is plentiful. Its other advantageous properties include strength, lightness, formability, high ductility, and excellent corrosion-resistance. The innate utilitarian value of those properties is vastly magnified when the metal is formed into T-slot aluminum extrusions.
In a nutshell, T-slot aluminum forms the basis of a framing system for creating three-dimensional structural assemblies made with a variety of extruded and fabricated aluminum parts. With this system, each length of extruded aluminum contains one or more T-shaped indentations, or slots, into which various attachments (with ends also shaped like a 'T'?) conveniently fit and can slide up and down as needed. This allows you to interconnect other T-slotted aluminum parts into even the most complex configurations without having to clamp and weld them together as you would have to do with steel components.
Here are a few of the key advantages of adopting T-slot aluminum solutions to meet your structural design needs.
True, steel is harder and 'stronger.' But by the same token, aluminum is among the lightest of metals used for modern engineering purposes, with a molecular density one-third that of steel. As a result, it possesses a strength-to-weight ratio that is actually superior to that of steel . Contrary to what you might think, extruded aluminum is strong enough to handle most structural design and assembly applications.
Once you factor in the inconvenience of moving and positioning heavy pieces of steel not to mention the added labor cost of welding or riveting them together, drilling and tapping holes for mounting bolts, and then cleaning, prepping, priming, and painting the surface of the metal then T-slot aluminum becomes an increasingly attractive option if you are seeking cost-effective structural framing solutions.
T Slot Frame Accessories
If it's tough enough for trucks, military combat vehicles, and commercial airliners, then rest assured that aluminum is tough enough for more prosaic, everyday purposes. One key aspect of this durability is its resistance to rusting. Rust is to steel as rot is to wood. Unlike steel, for all intents and purposes aluminum doesn't rust at all. A microscopic layer of oxide (which is responsible for the silvery-gray color of anodized aluminum) naturally forms on the surface of the metal and prevents that from happening. You don't even have to prime and paint it in order to protect it! If any of your project's aluminum extrusions or other parts never rust, then you'll never have to replace them saving you money and down-time in the long run.
Finally, one of the most important advantages to using T-slot aluminum extrusions and accessories is that, unlike permanently welded steel, the system is modular by design i.e., it is easily changeable. You can connect, position, and fasten together the aluminum profiles however you'd like, using the appropriate fasteners , connectors , and desired accessories . Later on, as needed, you can then adjust and rearrange them in any configuration you like.
The most common type of aluminum fastener used to fasten parts together is the T-nut: just drop it into the T-slot and then twist it into a locked position. That is so much easier than welding!
But where the real magic happens is in the versatility of our aluminum connectors. Just a partial list would include:
T Slot Aluminum Bed Frame
- quick connectors
- T-connectors
- tilt connectors
- milling connectors
- bolt connectors
- cube connectors
- angle connectors
- slotted gussets
- corner brackets
Once you've put the finishing touches on the assembly with end caps, casters, cable blocks, machining jigs, tool hangers, cabinet siding, doors, or any of a number of other accessories that we carry, you're good to go!
T-slot Frame Assembly
For maximum versatility for both both our international and domestic customers, be aware that our T-slot aluminum extrusions come in both metric profiles and inch profiles .
From carts to aquarium stands , from shelves to enclosures , and from ergonomic workbenches to eye-catching signs , Framing Tech T-slot aluminum extrusion systems are designed, machined, and assembled for versatility—and they are built to last.
Aluminum Extrusion Framing Systems
T-Slot Aluminum FAQs
What is T-slot Aluminum Extrusion?
T-slot aluminum extrusion is a structural fabrication material that utilizes an engineered cross-sectional profile that is both strong and versatile in its use.
Will T-slot Aluminum Extrusion corrode?
Our aluminum extrusion is non-corrosive. This is mostly due to the clear anodized finish that comes standard on all of our extrusion, but also due in part to aluminums natural ability to oxidize. The oxidation process creates a secondary layer of protection from corrosion, similar to how copper will patina.
Is T-slot Aluminum Extrusion considered a “Green” material?
Yes! Due to excellent recycling practices most of the aluminum ever produced is still in use today. In fact, aluminum is 100% recyclable and of the most common materials recycled aluminum is the ONLY material that is infinitely recyclable. It is also much lighter than glass and steel per cubic inch, and has a much smaller carbon footprint during fabrication, processing, and shipping.
Why choose aluminum extrusion over steel?
The main advantages are that aluminum extrusion is more versatile, modular, easier to work with, and costs less than steel. Building with aluminum extrusion is as simple as inserting a connector into the t-slot and tightening it into place with standard hand tools. No need to clamp, weld or paint aluminum extrusion. T-slot aluminum extrusion makes it easy to re-locate pieces or add onto your current structure at any time.
What is aluminum extrusion used for?
Currently, T-slot aluminum extrusion is widely used in automation, material handling, safety guarding, manufacturing and laboratory applications. However, many people are adopting t-slot aluminum extrusion for use in a wide variety of projects. Some have even built their own machines such as 3D Printers and CNC machines using our aluminum extrusion.
What is a T-slot, and how do I use it?
A T-slot is what we call the channel that runs the length of our aluminum extrusion shapes. The T-slots are designed to a specific depth and width depending on the material. The T-slot is used mostly for mounting and fastening a wide variety of accessories and panels to the aluminum extrusion. Often, panels will be inserted into the T-slot to quickly create a wall or enclosure.
Whether you are assembling a large production line, installing automation equipment, or setting up a workbench for a production line, T-slotted aluminium extrusion is a good option. You may need a metal framework to install robotic parts, dispensers, or other automated assembly equipment. Many factory owners choose traditional welded steel structures to enhance their strength and durability. However, aluminium extrusion frames are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons.
T-slot Accessories installation and slot connection details.
Hoonly Aluminium Extrusion Framework is a modular solution that consists of Aluminium extrusion profiles with a unique T-slot design, and series of specialized connectors & fasteners, which allows designer or purchaser to adjust the structure frame according to their own needs.
Because the framework is aluminium, it often has a higher price tag than steel (actually less than stainless steel). But don’t you found that aluminium extrusion frames offer distinct advantages over other material frames (such as wood, stainless steel) systems?

1. Extensive Application Range:
With its unique decoration, good sound insulation, heat preservation, and recyclability are widely used in construction field, and with extrusion molding and high mechanical and physical properties, good thermal conductivity and high specific strength, etc; Suitable for machine frame, bracket, door, industrial automation equipment, factory and office workbenches, shelves, containers, ladders, etc.
2. Ease of Assembly and Convenient Installation:
Modular and multifunctional, without complex design and processing, can quickly frame an ideal mechanical equipment cover.
Some people say steel is cheaper than aluminium in the same unit. But one implicit cost should not be ignored — labour, especially for intensive setup. During the assembly process, you need to hire a professional assembler to put the pieces into place, and even you have to employ skilled worker (and/or processing facilities) to cut, weld the materials. And more it’s impossible to finish in a short time.
3. Adaptability to Changes and Attractive Appearance
The modular structure determines the T-slot aluminium extrusion framework own incomparable performance of adaptive variability, the frame systems are much more flexible than steel. Pieces or parts can be interrupted and disconnected, then reassembled as needed. Moreover, the aluminium extrusion frame structure can be vernier adjustment, it’s simple to move the connectors or fasteners a few millimetres here or there to achieve proper installation.
On the contrary, the steel must be planned a welded structure before installation, even each measurement and bolt must be precisely determined ahead of time. The moment these steels are permanently welded together and drilled into precise holes, it is hard to change the positions. so once the equipment or processes change down the road, the steel structure may not be able to adapt accordingly.
T-slot aluminium extrusion frame needs not painting compared with steel structure which must be protectively coated to help slow the inevitable process. Anodized aluminium extrusion has the good-looking appearance and good capacity of anti-corrosion by nature.
4. Easy Maintenance
Because of the modular nature of T-slot aluminium extrusion frame, it’s easy and rapid to renewal the parts when the structure is damaged during production. But if you switch to another material, take steel structure, for example, firstly you must stop production to repair it. You can imagine the process of maintenance: Cutting down the damaged piece and welting back a new one; the machine must stop working throughout the maintenance.
Hoonly Aluminium important reminder: Although T-slot aluminium extrusion framework has many advantages, one benefit of which is aluminium’s lightness; the corresponding disadvantage is not very Strong. So it’s very necessary to evaluate for the loads and forces of each application before assembly. If not sure which framing is right for you? please don’t hesitate to contact Hoonly Technical, or directly call us at +86 372 6885238, or request an estimate from marketing personnel.