Y Education Words

  1. 3 Letter words that start with y. Yag; Yah; Yak; Yam; Yap; Yar; Yaw; Yay; Yea; Yeh; Yen; Yep; Yes; Yet; Yew; Yin; Yip; Yob; Yod; Yok; Yom; Yon; You; Yow; Yuk; Yum; Yup; 2 Letter words that start with y.
  2. Students and educators at eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Use your valid school email address to get started today. Office 365 works like you: everywhere.

1650s, 'due to education;' 1830, 'pertaining to education;' from education + -al (1). Meaning 'intending or serving to educate' is attested by 1935. Related: Educationally. We do not, therefore, consider it any especial merit of a new dictionary, that it contains a large number of words which have not been in its predecessors. Derivation is the process of attaching prefixes and suffixes to the base forms of words to create new words. Back-formation is the opposite process of removing affixes from longer words to create shorter new words. This article defines and provides examples of the related word formation processes of derivation and back-formation. Also available in this article are printable lists of the most. So, if you’re into this beautiful world of education or if you own an educational website or blog that deals with educational articles, researches, white papers etc., to reach out to your target audience, probably you would want to know which keywords containing the term ‘Education’ do most users search for on Google.

  • I can not tell you how helpful myvocabulary.com has been to me. I have spent hours and hours making up activities to practice words for my high school students, and when I found myvocabulary.com I couldn0003t believe my eyes. Everything I needed was there. The program is just fantastic!
    Thank you also for your gracious help and support. You truly are special people.

  • Our school works with at-risk students from 8-12 in Salisbury, North Carolina. I teach English for the 10-12 graders and I frequently visit your site. I just love all the characters and puzzles and would love to continue to incorporate them in my classroom activities. Include us on the active school list.

    Karin, high school teacher, NC

  • Hi Jan, I met you at the ISTE conference. I love what the two of you are doing for teaching and appreciating language. Thank you for sending the Thanksgiving Day words. I teach in Maryland at an independent school and we specialize in creating a 'safe environment for all learners'. I think what you and your husband are doing is wonderful. What a gift to the country and indeed, the world.

    Penny, McLean School, Potomac, MD

  • Make learning fun with a Constitution Day crossword puzzle, a Preamble puzzle, and eight additional puzzles at MyVocabulary.com. Remember to also check the PJ NIE page for a variety of downloadable Constitution Day lessons and guides.

    By Avis Gunther-Rosenberg, NIE-Providence Journal, Rhode Island

  • You have done a wonderful random act of kindness for ALL teachers everywhere. We are sincerely in your debt. Could you put all the Lesson Plan Sessions on a CD? I know I would pay for it! You could easily sell them to all of us desparate teachers who really need this kind of time-saving material. Thank you so much. I will be back to Vocabulary U. weekly to download your supplemental resources and to download the word lists and other new feature arrivals!

    Diana L. - Port St. Lucie, FL

  • What I really liked about myvocabulary.com is that it is both teacher and student friendly. It offers students hints to not leave them frustrated and the variety is sure to not leave them bored. Many tips and ideas for teachers are offered as well. My favorite part of the site is that it also offers themed units, pertaining to themes such as various holidays, sports and my favorite, vocabulary words dealing with character education. Another great aspect of this site is that it has a section for vocabulary from 130 popular texts that many students read.

    Dr. Linda Ray and Bill Halverson, Florida Gulf Coast University

  • This is a great activity for vocabulary development. Get an interactive whiteboard and challenge your students with these unique word puzzles. The website content provides teachers and students with some new ideas for Thanksgiving vocabulary and 60 other thematic topics.

    From Teachersfirst.com and Sourceforlearnong.org

  • I recommend MyVocabulary.com and I guarantee that you will learn words and have fun at the same time. The site offers FREE, kindergarten-adult interactive puzzle activities. This self-paced site, based on state standards, has PRINTABLE lesson plans and exercises. All content is original and supplemental to school curriculum with time-saving activities as helpful reinforcement for teachers, students, and parents.

    Jane Strauss, author of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation and the website www.grammarbook.com

  • I hope to have a SmartBoard in my room. Then we will be able to use your activities and games as part of instruction & assessment. I wish that we had computer access for all students so we could use the various games that you have on your site. Thanks for all the effort that goes into your site. I appreciate it.

    Jonathan Hughes, Sapulpa High School in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

  • I just used the website (www.myvocabulary.com) today as an example of a valuable resource for vocabulary instruction. Additionally, I created a word sort activity based on your word lists. The students enjoyed the activities immensely! Thanks!

    Joyce N. - Professor of Education - Milwaukee, WI

  • I will definitely spread the word of your fabulous site, which has saved me lots of time. Your word lists will allow my special education students to express themselves by simply recognizing word, as opposed to have to retrieve words, their weakness. I will use the word lists in reading and writing activities.

    Mary Lowmaster, Special Ed Teacher, PA

  • This the most concise, easy to use site as well as student/teacher friendly. Your site deserves an A+. I appreciate your creativity and abundant resounces.

    Diane, Middle School in Salt Lake City

  • I just found you site via a Scholastic resource (Vocabulary & Word Study Games) and am amazed and excited. There is so much to choose from and I have shared it with my entire English Department. I am posting it as a resource on my Schoolnotes.com page. Thank you.

    Dee Fisher, Middle School, Florida

  • Your site will be of enormous value to the teachers of older student.The American election campaign is so relevant to our country0003s (Israel) future. Politics is obviously a topic where vocabulary words are more relevant than usual. What you and your husband are doing is just great - I take my hat off to you - you deserve a HUGE applaud. Kisses.

    Nita Derman, ETNI Teacher Network, Israel

  • Language Magazine, August 2006, recognized MyVocabulary.com for its 'technological innovations designed to make language learning easier for the teacher and learner.'

    Language Magazine

  • What you do is amazing! Thanks for all your great resources! It is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time on the myvocabulary.com website, but I did not know it was voluntary! You are truly dedicated to the education of our kids! Please add Fairmont Heights High School, Prince Georges County, Maryland to your list. Congratulations!!

    Dan, Fairmont Heights High School, MD

  • I have just started to teach ESL to students of Agronomy and Environment at the Agriculture University of Tirana, Albania. Thank you for all the information you provided. I am working to develop some vocabulary exercises related to the key words drawn from the text. The text is usually about earth and environment science. I find your website and all the information very useful.


  • Thank you so much for your interactive content, the 289 Irish-Gaelic Lore Words and other valuable resources and for St. Patrick0003s Day. This is for my 11 honors literature class (2 classes of 25 each) and we all will enjoy these exercises.

    Susan A., high school teacher in PA

  • AARP News Webletter, January 4, 2008: 'Expand your vocabulary with the Rootonym Puzzle - using the same root for four different words. Win points with correct answers. Beat the clock and gain extra points.'

    AARP News Webletter, January 4, 2008 - Vol 12, Issue 1

  • These MyVocabulary.com puzzles are a great tool for language arts, English and ESL teachers to use or for anyone interested in brushing up on their vocabulary skills.

    Patricia Carnabuci, Education World Magazine

  • Thank you for your wonderful resource for parents, teachers and students. I can not wait to start promoting myvocabulary.com to teachers...this is just the stuff they love!

    Marjan Glavac, K-8 educator and author, Ontario, Canada

  • This site (myvocabulary.com) is a great way to motivate high school students, in addition to expanding their vocabulary. Are the puzzles published anywhere?

    Salome DeShay, high school teacher, Los Angeles, CA

  • The Reading Teacher, Sept. 2006, chose myVocabulary.com as 'one of the top 25 Internet sources for teaching reading. MyVocabulary.com is an immense website that supports multiple types of vocabulary instruction including a wide variety of word lists, lesson plans, and recommended reading lists accompaned by chapter-vocabulary words. It also features numerous vocabulary worksheets and a variety of activity formats for grades 1 to 12.'

    The Reading Teacher article stated that The Partnership for Reading, helping the National Reading Panel (NRP), produced a booklet that presented the five principles necessary for the teaching of reading - phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension. There were five websites chosen for each principle. MyVocabulary.com was the first website listed under 'vocabulary.'

    The Reading Teacher

[Listed in a very rough chronological order from older words and phrases to newer ones]


1. 21st-century

Y Education Words

We get it: It’s about change. But we still have 87 years to go before the next century. We don’t think anyone is going to forget what century we’re currently in.

2. “Sputnik moment”

Almost a decade ago, the talk of education town was the Program for International Student Assessment’s (PISA) report on how the U.S. was underperforming compared to other developed countries. “This is our very own ‘Sputnik Moment’” said everyone after hearing about PISA’s revelations. We don’t know about you, but between the nation’s emphasis on STEM and LEGO’s amazing robotics kits for classrooms, we’re Sputnik’ing the heck out of education…and we love it!

3. Web 2.0

Used to describe web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier websites, years ago Web 2.0 was used to describe resources and tools schools could use on computers. Just like “tubular,” Web 2.0 is now a term of the past.

4. College- and career-ready

According to education experts, there is a large disconnect between what students learn in school and what they’re required to do in the workplace—highlights include critical thinking skills and communication skills. Now, you can’t even mention the word ‘education’ without ‘college- and career-ready’ popping up in the next two minutes of conversation.

5. Right-brain thinking

A few years back, Daniel Pink’s book, A Whole New Mind, was making the education conference rounds and educators couldn’t stop discussing “right-brain” thinking, which included critical thinking and ‘outside-the-box’ imagination. As editors, we tended to agree!

6. Future-proofing

Y Education Words Worksheet

Just like words, such as “synergy” or “benchmarking,” this buzz term was conceptually pleasing, but annoyed everyone who had to hear it. Future-proofing was especially used in conjunction with 3-D projectors and any other education investment that had a large up-front cost, but promised an equally large, if not larger, return on investment (ROI).

7. Neuroscience

While not a buzz word specific to education, the inclusion of neuroscience into classroom practice was a huge trend just a couple of years ago. While many forward-thinking educators still consider neuroscience, the “new car smell” has dissipated.

8. Digital Natives

Y Education Words Definition

If one more person tells us how amazing it is that their two year old can build his/her own iPad we may just isolate ourselves and become island natives. Most students are fearless when it comes to technology, and that’s great. But let’s move on, shall we?

9. Real-world/project-based/inquiry-based

As part of closing the gap between school knowledge and workplace knowledge, experts recommend incorporating curriculum that asks students to work on a project that simulates a real-world problem. For example, “Meris needs to purchase and consume her Philly cheesesteak before she has a 1:00 interview, which will occur in less than five minutes. What kind of technology-based device can we build to ensure that Meris eats her sandwich in time?”

Y Education Words Examples

10. Disruptive technology

Based on the groundbreaking theory by Clayton Christensen, called Disruptive Innovation, disruptive technology, in relation to education, means any technology currently on the market that can revolutionize the way students learn. A good example of this technology is the iPad, or any other easily accessible mobile tablet.

Y Education Words List

(Next page: Words 11-20)