Zulot Hebrew Meaning

  1. Zumot Hebrew Meaning Hebrew
  2. Zumot Hebrew Meaning Dictionary
  3. Zulot Hebrew Meaning
  4. Zumot Hebrew Meaning In The Bible
  5. Zumot Hebrew Meaning Synonyms
  • A prominent family (originally from Lucca, Italy), which, after the settlement at Mayence and Speyer of several of its members, took during many generations a leading part in the development of Jewish learning in Germany. The name ought really to be spelled 'Kalonymos,' as Kalonymus b.
  • The word time (zman) in Hebrew begins with Zayin, as does the word zacher (remember) and zicharon (remembrance). The memory of the time is the basis for self-identity and purpose in God's creation. The memory of the time is the basis for self-identity and purpose in God's creation.
  • Zuph, N E H a Kohathite Levite, ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel. ( 1 Samuel 1:1; 1 Chronicles 6:35 ) In ( 1 Chronicles 6:26 ) he is called ZOPHAI. N indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible. E indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary.

Knowing biblical Hebrew enables you to engage deeply and richly with the Old Testament in its original language. But because the Bible is a decidedly Jewish book, and the authors of both testaments were all Jews familiar with the Hebrew language and Jewish thought, learning biblical Hebrew will also give you new insight into the meaning of New Testament writings.

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Updated February 2, 2021

Zuleth, the names you use create your life experiences. All names are not equal.

  • Your name of Zuleth has given you the desire for the best that money can buy: good clothes and refined surroundings, all the finer things of life, although you might be inclined to get things through the influence of others rather than through hard work.
  • You always strive to create a good impression.
  • You are pleasant and diplomatic, and seem to sense how others feel.
  • You could do well in public relations work.
  • You have a good business sense, but tend to procrastinate and get involved with people who could interfere with your carrying your endeavours to a proper close.
  • Although you have many good plans, can visualize their workings, and have the best of intentions, planning is often as far as you get.
  • Difficulty in coming to important decisions and a degree of passivity do not allow you the concentration and application required to attain positions of responsibility.
  • Your emotional nature at times does not allow you to be strictly impersonal in your relationships, and you experience entanglements that could prove awkward and embarrassing.

Health Analysis

  • This name could affect your health through the kidneys, lower back, female trouble, poor circulation, or over-stoutness.

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Zumot hebrew meaning synonyms
Thought for the Day
  • Nothing truly stops you. Nothing truly holds you back, for your own will is always within your control. Sickness may challenge your body. But are you merely your body? –Epictetus

  • A habit is like a mental roadblock; it stops the expansion and growth of mind; it is something that is always with you and demands physical and mental attention, and sometimes to the almost complete exclusion of the other things of a constructive nature. –Alfred J. Parker

  • Appreciate and respect the Power of the Word (speech); never misuse this power by swearing, vulgarity, lying and deceit, falsifying another’s statement, or destroying the reputation of others. –Alfred J. Parker

  • No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically. –Leonardo da Vinci

Zumot Hebrew Meaning Hebrew


Zumot Hebrew Meaning Dictionary

honeycomb, a Kohathite Levite, ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel ( 1 Samuel 1:1 ); called also Zophai ( 1 Chronicles 6:26 ).

These dictionary topics are from
M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition,
published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain, copy freely.

Zulot Hebrew Meaning

[N] indicates this entry was also found in Nave's Topical Bible
[H] indicates this entry was also found in Hitchcock's Bible Names
[S] indicates this entry was also found in Smith's Bible Dictionary

Zumot Hebrew Meaning In The Bible

Bibliography Information

Zumot Hebrew Meaning Synonyms

Easton, Matthew George. 'Entry for Zuph'. 'Easton's Bible Dictionary'. .